Why am I here?
Why am I here? Like many others, I find myself in the endless pursuit of happiness, pleasure, goal, peace, comfort, contentment and more....Despite trying various methods and techniques, I often find myself feeling empty and unfulfilled. I've searched for answers in different philosophies and spiritual teachings, scouring through books, YouTube videos, blogs, and Reddit posts, hoping to find a way to escape the turmoil within my mind and the world around me. However, these efforts have yielded little success. It wasn't until I came across the writings of Dr. Kapil Gupta MD that I began to realize how deeply conditioned and misguided I was. I had been led to believe that following teachings, adhering to prescribed methods, and chasing after certain goals are all conditioning that robbed me of Freedom & Truth . I realized I was conditioned for an endless chase and was completely brainwashed. This blog is an attempt to record conversations with myself regarding Truth & F...